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Ginger and pregnancy

Ginger and pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there are foods and herbs that are best avoided or incorporated into your diet. We know that products such as alcoholic drinks and raw fish are not good during pregnancy. But what about ginger and ginger tea? How do they interact, ginger and pregnancy? This blog will tell you all about it!

Table of contents

Waarom jij G’nger gembersap moet kopen!

Tja waarom jij G’nger gembersap moet komen? Nou?! Naast dat G’nger super lekker en gezond is bevatten onze gembersappen GEEN toegevoegde suikers en is het PURE gembersap. Easy as that!

Daarnaast heeft gember verschillende voordelen:

  • Gember is goed voor je huid
  • Gember geeft een natuurlijke kick
  • Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Gember werkt tegen misselijkheid
  • Gember helpt tegen een opgeblazen gevoel
  • Gember werkt bij verkoudheid


Pregnant and ginger: the use

Good news! Ginger is safe to use when you are pregnant. It has even been proven that ginger can help combat nausea and vomiting. Ginger can therefore continue to be used in various ways during pregnancy. For instance, you can use it in dishes, ginger tea or as a shot.

Shot against morning sickness

Do you often suffer from nausea in the morning? Then take a G'nger shot before breakfast. It will give you a nice kick and help with those annoying pregnancy pains. You can also keep the ginger shot and spread it throughout the day if you feel nauseous more often. Take, for example, 3 x a 20ml shot. 

Ginger tea

Many teas contain caffeine, which, according to the Dutch Nutrition Centre, you can only consume to a certain extent during pregnancy. G'nger contains no caffeine and can therefore be used to make tea.  

Ginger lemonade

Do you prefer a cold drink? Then go for ginger lemonade. This is easy to make yourself and can be completely adjusted to your own taste. Put 30 ml of G'nger Pure or Original in a glass, pour in (sparkling) water and add fruit or herbs of your choice. For example, lemon, lime, blueberries, raspberries, mint and/or thyme.

Benefits of ginger when you are pregnant

The use of ginger during pregnancy has several advantages. It helps against pregnancy pains and gives a natural kick without caffeine. 

ginger and pregnancy

Morning sickness

As described above, ginger helps against the morning sickness that many women experience in the first trimester, or even throughout pregnancy.

Natural kick

Another advantage of ginger during pregnancy is that it provides a natural kick without the need for caffeine. So it's perfect as a replacement if you're used to drinking a lot of caffeinated coffee or tea.  

Relieves pain

Ginger can also have an analgesic effect. This means that you don't have to resort to painkillers during pregnancy, but that a nice ginger tea or lemonade can also help.

Need more inspiration? Follow us on Instagram @gnger.eu for more inspiration and recipes. Or order a bottle of ginger juice to try it out. 


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